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Sharpening Figure Skates


Getting your skates sharpened is part of the routine for ice skaters. It is important because if the skates are not taken care of properly and on time, it can have a negative impact on your skating.


How often you should sharpen figure skates?


Good advice

The skates are the most important piece of equipment in figure skating. We recommend that you use a thin sock in the skates, as this will give a greater feeling of control over the skate. The skate must fit around the foot, and it must not be too tight or loose. In addition, it is important that there is a certain stiffness in the skate, as a soft skate will strain the child's ankles too much. 


In order to extend the life of your skates and especially the blade, we recommend using plastic skate protectors when you walk with your skates outside the ice. After training, the skates must be wiped with a cloth and a fabric protector can be put on. This avoids the blade to not rust. Having the skates in a bag when transporting them to and from training is also a good idea. 

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But even if you take good care of the skates, they occasionally need to be sharpened. Until the runner gets a sense of when they need it, you can always ask our trainers if they need sharpening.


You can always seek advice and guidance from our trainers and the person in charge standing by the blue locker in hall 2.  

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